Dr. Arocha | Beard Transplant | 14-Month Result

Procedure detail

This patient came to Dr. Arocha because he wanted a facial hair transplant in his beard and mustache. He didn’t have much growth in his mustache, and his beard was patchy and bare in some areas. Dr. Arocha did an FUE beard hair transplant. The after images were taken 14 months after his procedure, and the final result is "as natural as nature itself." Doc made 1500 extractions, which were made into 2000 grafts.

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Front view of beard area

Front view of beard area

Right view of patient

Right side of beard area

Back of patient

Donor area - back of the head

Frontal planning of new beard

Frontal planning of new beard

Right side of patient

Right view plan

Front - post op

Front - post op

Right - post op

Right - post op

Beard growth, 18 months post op

Beard growth, 18 months post op

right of patient

Right side beard growth.