• Hair Transplant Surgery

    Hair Transplant Surgery

    Currently the only solution for regrowing hair, particularly in the hairline area, is hair transplant surgery, an advanced surgical hair restoration technique.

    Done right, a hair transplant is so natural that even a hair stylist cannot detect that a person has had hair transplants.

    The days of the "corn row" or "Barbie Doll" hair transplants are long gone.

    To achieve such truly natural results requires a dedicated and highly skilled staff doing a state of the art hair transplant procedure. The state of the art micro hair transplant procedure that our member physicians perform is called "Ultra Refined Follicular Unit Hair Transplantation".

    Hair transplant surgery involves relocating (transplanting) the bald resistant hair follicles from the back of the head to the balding areas on the top and front of the head.

    This process is effective and will last a lifetime because the hair follicles taken from the back of the head are genetically resistant to baldness, no matter where they are transplanted.

    This procedure is regarded by most hair restoration physicians to be the "gold standard in hair transplants". Learn more about this hair transplant procedure.

    Because this very refined procedure is difficult to perform at the highest quality level only a minority of all hair restoration surgeons perform it successfully. Our member physicians have extensive experience performing this advanced and very refined procedure with excellent proven results.

    Today, hair transplant surgical hair restoration is an out-patient procedure requiring only local anesthesia. Most patients are surprised by how little discomfort they experience during and after their surgery. Many patients watch TV or sleep during their procedure.

    Hair transplant surgery is the only certain way of restoring significant amounts of hair in balding areas. View hair transplant photos of actual hair loss patients.

    Sharing information in the Hair Loss Learning Center forum with patients who have successfully restored their hair is a good way to begin the process of selecting a hair transplant surgeon with a proven record of restoring a natural hairline. Online consultation can put you directly in touch with one of the world's top hair restoration physicians in your area who can help you assess your options.

  • Dr. Pradeep Sethi MBBS, MD

    Dr. Pradeep Sethi
    Dr. Pradeep Sethi
    Dr. Pradeep Sethi uses the latest tools and techniques and provides an advanced, modified FUE procedure that produces outstanding results.
  • What is Rogaine and how does it work?

    Along with Propecia, Rogaine is one of the only proven hair loss medication options approved by the FDA for treating hair loss. Minoxidil, (Rogaine’s active ingredient), was originally created as a drug for treating hypertension (high blood pressure). It was then discovered that one of its side affects was growing hair. Minoxidil was then tested for use a topical application for regrowing hair. The results were sufficiently impressive that the FDA approved it as a treatment for hair loss.

    Rogaine works by revitalizing shrunken hair follicles, thus increasing their size. When you use Rogaine every day, your follicles may increase in size, and the growing phase may become longer. This may then produce longer, thicker hairs.

    Rogaine is a clear alcohol-based solution and should be applied to a person’s thinning area with its supplied dropper or spray twice a day.

    The solution is approved and available in two strengths -- Regular (2%) and Extra Strength (5%). Individual users of Regular strength Rogaine have claimed success rates of 30-40%. Meanwhile, users of Extra Strength Rogaine have claimed success rates of 50-60%. Currently, the average price for a 2oz. bottle of Rogaine is about $20-30 per month. Minoxidil is also available as a generic and can be purchased over the counter without prescription.

    It’s important to note that Rogaine (minoxidil) does not cure baldness and scientists have been unable to determine just how it works. What is known is that Rogaine increases the blood flow to the areas of the scalp that surround these balding areas. Currently some researchers believe that Rogaine (minoxidil) works by opening the follicle’s potassium channels located in the cells. It’s theorized that these channels, when opened, may regulate hair growth.

    Rogaine can’t grow hair on completely bald scalps or in the frontal hairline areas. It has been found to be somewhat effective in maintaining or growing hair in the crown area (the top back of the head). However, Rogaine is only effective at delaying hair loss. It is also more effective in women than in men. And again, the reasons for this are not understood.

    What can I expect with Rogaine?

    Rogaine (minoxidil) generally only regrows hair in a minority of men and women. In most cases, the best case scenario for hair growth with these treatments is a thin coverage of thin hair.

    The real benefits of Rogaine (minoxidil) is keeping what hair you have or slowing your thinning. Rogaine’s success depends on how advanced your hair loss has become.

    You must apply it to your scalp twice a day for life to get and maintain any benefits. Research shows that using Rogaine (minoxidil) only once a day is ineffective. If you stop taking Rogaine (minoxidil) you will loose whatever hair you preserved or regrew within 2 to 4 months. And while Rogaine may stimulate hair growth, it may not prevent the hair follicles from their eventual deterioration.

    It's also true that Rogaine's effects may diminish over time. Some doctors believe that patients can build up a tolerance after many years of use. But it's possible to fight this tolerance by taking a week or two off from the treatment every 3-4 months. However, it's not advised to take this break unless you've taken the hair loss medication consistently for at least 12 months.

    Are there side effects from Rogaine?

    There are only minor side effects with Rogaine. But some users do experience certain problems such as scalp irritation, itching, and dandruff. However, this can be treated with a good shampoo like Nizoral or Neutrogena T-Gel. There may also be an increase in hair shedding at the start of the treatment. You shouldn’t panic, as this may actually be a signal that the treatment is working.

    Due to the medication’s alcohol content, some users may develop a contact rash or irritated skin. And with excessive doses, some users may experience dizziness or a rapid heartbeat. However, with normal use these effects are uncommon.

    Rogaine users with severe, refractory high blood pressure experienced some problems. One such problem was “hypertrichosis,” hair growth on the face or other bodily areas. This side effect appears in about 3-5 % of women who use the 2% solution, and higher among women using the 5% solution.

    Rogaine and Hair Transplants

    Some hair restoration physicians have come to consider Rogaine to be instrumental right after surgery. This is especially true when grafts have been placed in and around existing hair.

    The shock of surgery can result in temporary hair loss. Rogaine is thought to possibly help prevent this temporary loss of healthy preexisting hair. The 5% solution has been found to be more effective for men and women. However, some physicians believe that the hair loss medication should be stopped a week or two before surgery. They feel that Rogaine may increase bleeding, while dilating blood vessels.

    After surgery, most patients wait a week or two before restarting Rogaine. This gives the graft areas time to heal. However, taking Propecia is not interrupted by surgery.

    Click to learn more about DHT Blockers

  • Laser Treatment

    Laser Treatment

    Is it Effective in Stopping Hair Loss?

    Use of low level laser therapy (LLLT) devices for treating hair loss has been heavily debated for some time by reputable hair restoration physicians and patients on our hair loss forum. While some physicians reject its use entirely, others use laser hair treatment as a regular part of their practice. Additionally, some physicians believe that laser light therapy can assist with postoperative healing after hair transplant surgery.

    History of Laser Light Therapy

    Shortly after the first working laser was invented in 1964, a researcher from Semmelweis University of Budapest named Andre Mester developed a theory that exposure to cold laser light (similar to UV radiation emitted by the sun) may eventually lead to cancer. To test his theory, Mester shaved a group of mice and trapped some of them in a cage with constant cold laser light exposure leaving the other half unexposed as a control group. To his surprise, the light didn’t cause cancer in any of his animal subjects. Instead, mice that were exposed to the laser light therapy grew back their shaved fur much faster than the control group. Mester named his discovery photo-biostimulation. His theory was that somehow, the laser light had stimulated the hair cells into an accelerated state of hair growth.

    Laser Therapy as a Hair Loss Treatment

    Today, low level laser therapy is being used as a hair loss treatment. To treat baldness with laser light therapy, laser rays are directly applied to the scalp by a mechanical device so that red blood cells are stimulated. Lasers are said to work by converting ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate) to ADP (Adenosine Diphosphate), releasing energy and causing cellular metabolic changes. During this process, additional nutrients and oxygen are provided to the scalp assisting the normal chemical processes performed by those cells, increasing overall blood circulation. Lasers, when applied to the scalp and hair, have been said to improve overall hair quality, promote hair growth, and increase hair shaft diameter.

    laser comb

    Laser treatment devices have a similar appearance to a hood hair dryer which is placed over top of your head. The low level laser toll will rotate allowing laser rays, usually red in color, to be discharged into your scalp. Hand held devices such as the Hairmax comb have also been developed and resemble a brush in appearance.

    Promoting healthy hair growth however, is not the same as the regrowth of miniaturized hairs brought on by genetic female hair loss or male pattern baldness (MPB). So what clinical evidence exists, if any, that laser therapy is an effective treatment? Below we take a closer look at the available data including exclusive interviews of leading hair restoration physicians.

    Varying Opinions of Well Respected Physicians

    Physicians have long shared varying views on whether or not laser treatment is viable. While some well respected physicians reject its use entirely, some believe that LLLT can provide marginal benefit for men and women suffering from androgenic alopecia (genetic baldness). Additionally, some physicians believe that laser hair treatment can assist a hair transplant patient’s postoperative wound healing process and expedite hair growth.

    Dr. Charles (one of our well respected members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians) believes it may provide similar hair loss prevention benefit to Rogaine in the mid vertex area and crown. Benefits in the frontal area include an increase in overall hair quality rather than hair loss prevention.

    Dr. Charles believes LLLT works better when combined with Propecia (finasteride) and Rogaine (minoxidil). Like Propecia and Rogaine, he believes low level laser therapy may help some patients more than others and works better in patients with only minimal thinning hair.

    Dr. Charles believes in helping balding men and women develop and maintain realistic expectations and he doesn’t oversell its benefits. Because lasers are free from side effects, he always tells his patients that the biggest risk is the money. Dr. Charles believes more research on laser hair treatment is needed.;

    Dr. Williams of the Coalition has been using laser hair treatment as a regular part of his practice for over 2 years and feels quite confident in its success in some patients. In his experience, LLLT promotes healthy hair growth and can increase hair shaft diameter of miniaturized hair affected by genetic female hair loss and male pattern baldness in some patients.

    Dr. Williams offers 16 free laser therapy sessions to local males following hair transplant procedures and encourages his female transplant patients to undergo laser light therapy for one full year at a highly discounted rate. Dr. Williams usually notices faster transplanted hair regrowth and a quicker resolution of postoperative telogen effluvium or “shock loss”, if it occurs.

    Because androgenic alopecia is a progressive condition, Dr. Williams encourages male patients to use Propecia while encouraging out of town females to use the Hairmax laser comb to help maintain their existing hair. Dr. Williams would like to see more formal studies defining the benefits of lasers as a hair loss treatment, but he is encouraged by his experience with it to date.

    Dr. Alan Feller (also a member of the Coalition) is one doctor who remains skeptical. "Medical lasers work in only one way, and that is to deliver energy to a target. When it strikes the target the energy is absorbed and converted to heat. That's it". Dr. Feller believes that more compelling evidence is needed to promote low level laser therapy (LLLT) as a hair regrowth solution or to stop hair loss.

    Recent Scientific Studies

    study presented at the last International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS) meeting in Las Vegas (2007) by Maria A Muricy, MD, confirms increase in hair shaft diameter, fullness, and overall quality with laser hair treatment alone. Additionally, some statistically significant evidence reveals that low level laser therapy when combined with 5% minoxidil (the active ingredient in FDA approved Rogaine) provided noticeable cosmetic benefits for women in particular. However, this study also showed that laser hair loss treatment alone produced no statistically significant new hair growth in both men and women.

    Laser Hair Therapy and FDA Approval

    Another important issue to consider is the significance and meaning of the FDA clearance (not approval) of the Hairmax laser comb. Though some have proposed the Hairmax laser comb was only approved for safety, apparently the FDA did require Lexington International (who funded the study) to provide it with a study on its efficacy (effectiveness) in treating baldness. But this study and its results have not been released to the public since Lexington International had the option of submitting the study to the FDA privately. The obvious question then is – why would Lexington hide their study from the public if it proved the efficacy of laser hair regrowth?

    While the Hairmax laser comb device was found by the FDA to be safe based on its “substantial equivalence” to previously approved laser light therapy devices and thus “cleared” (not “approved”), it was unclear to what extend the FDA reviewed or cleared it based on its effectiveness in treating hair loss. To learn more about the FDA standards for “approving” food and drugs and for “clearing” medical devices visit www.fda.gov

    It appears that much of the laser hair treatment industry is now promoting their devices as “FDA Approved for Hair Loss” as if they are on par with the two only FDA approved hair loss solutions Propecia (finasteride) and Rogaine (minoxidil). However, until laser hair treatment provides compelling public evidence of its effectiveness in treating hair loss, it is quite possible that the effectiveness of low level laser therapy may be oversold by some companies. We expect that time will tell.

  • Books - Your in-depth guide to hair restoration

    Books - Your in-depth guide to hair restoration

    Finding excellent in-depth information about hair restoration, beyond infomercials and brochures, can be difficult. We recommend the below books for those interested in-depth and reliable hair restoration information.


    Modern Hair Restoration

    Hair Restoration has made great progress over the last several years with new techniques that have helped improve the quality and efficiency of hair transplants. Dr. Parsa Mohebi, one of the premier hair restoration surgeons, describes these groundbreaking methods, which include new, surgical techniques, hair loss medications, and non-invasive treatments in his book.


    Hair loss can have a devastating effect on our self-image and can impact our personal and professional lives in innumerable ways. Dr. Mohebi assures those who are suffering with this condition that there are many medical and surgical treatments available today to help treat patients with different types of hair loss, including specific treatments for male and female patterned baldness. Dr. Mohebi gives his readers tips that can help them evaluate their current hair loss situation in order to find the best treatment available.

    Modern Hair Restoration is a one of a kind A-Z guide for most types of hair loss sufferers. It is based on the latest advancements in treating male and female patterned baldness and the newest techniques of hair restoration. The medical breakthroughs described in this book have successfully treated thousands of patients and should continue to help the lives of many more hair loss sufferers for years to come.

    Buy MODERN HAIR RESTORATION - A Complete Hair Loss Guide For Men And Women

    The Hair Replacement Revolution

    Hair Replacement Revolution

    "The Hair Replacement Revolution" offers hair loss suffers atruly expert and comprehensive guide to all legitimate hair loss treatments.

    This guidebook is written by two credible and respected physicians, Dr.Emmanuel Marrit and Dr. JamesHarris. It alsooffers suggestions for excellent hair restoration surgeons, which are NOTdetermined by financial contributions. This book can be purchased at Amazonfor $12.00 and is truly a "Must Read"!

    Read exerpts from this great book.

    Hair Restoration Surgery in Asians

    hair restoration for asians

    Hair Restoration is in demand worldwide, but because Asian hair tends to be more sparse and coarse than Caucasian hair, transplantation procedures need to be adapted to Asian patients. This book, exclusively devoted to Asian hair, is a complete and comprehensive text written by a group of authors sharing their experience in their specialized fields of hair restoration. Included are many practical tips as well as chapters on regional transplantation such as eyebrows, eyelashes, sideburns, beards, and mustaches, in addition to the usual scalp hair restoration.


    With its many illustrations, the book gives readers a complete knowledge of hair restoration surgery and provides a quick, easy-to-use reference on Asian hair and the differences in patients' demands. With an influx of new physicians in this challenging field of medicine, further education and training are imperative and must be available to provide a high standard of medical practice. This compilation meets that objective and ultimately makes the valuable contribution of restoring patients' self-confidence.

    Buy Hair Restoration Surgery in AsiansHair Restoration Surgery in Asians

    To Bald or Not to BaldHair Restoration Surgery

    Bald or not bald

    Although it is usually an unwanted sign of ageing, hair loss may no longer be inevitable. Hopefully, by the time you finish this book you will understand the proven, effective treatment options that have become so popular. In subsequent chapters you will realize that hair loss is a problem that can be solved with new and exciting methods that will be explained in detail as we move along. We live in a new era of medical innovation and possibilities. Advances in medical research, technology and surgical techniques have restored patient's faith in the field of medical and surgical hair restoration. This books explains the entire process of hair restoration today.


    Buy To Bald or Not to Baldmedical and surgical hair restorationon Amazon.

    Hair Loss and Replacement For Dummies

    hair loss and replacement for dummies

    causes of hair lossWhat are the causes of hair loss? Can you prevent it? Can lost hair be restored? Hair Loss & Replacement For Dummies helps you understand why men and women lose their hair and offers thorough, objective reviews of a wide array of hair replacement options, including hair replacement surgery, prescription and over-the-counter medicinal treatments, hairpieces, natural remedies, and a variety of other options.


    This authoritative, user-friendly guide explains the pros and cons of hairpieces, fibers, foundations, and hair thickening techniques. You’ll learn about pharmaceutical, laser, and topical treatments, and you’ll find out how to determine whether you’re good candidate for hair restoration surgery. You’ll even find help in assessing costs, controlling expectations, avoiding hair replacement scams, and determining which option truly is best for you. You’ll discover:

    • What you need to know about hair and hair loss
    • How to take better care of your hair
    • Ways to prevent or reduce hair loss
    • Creative techniques for concealing hair loss
    • Shopping tips for hair-replacement systems
    • How finesteride, minoxidil, and other medications might help
    • Advice about low level laser treatments
    • The low-down on hair restoration surgery

    Complete with helpful myth-busting information about the causes of hair loss and the benefits of FDA-approved treatments, and helpful comparisons of the advantages of non-surgical and surgical hair replacement, Hair Loss & Replacement For Dummies is the resource to consult before you decide on any hair replacement treatment.

    Buy Hair Loss and Replacement For Dummies on Amazon


  • Menopause and Female Hair Loss

    Many cases of female hair lossare caused by hormonal fluctuations or changes in the body including those who have PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome), birth control pillside effects, a recent pregnancy,postmenopausal trauma, or menopause. Women with hair loss experience varying balding patterns These patterns can help determine the type of alopecia you have along with a thorough examination by a physician.

    Because of an imbalance between estrogen and testosterone due to declining estrogen levels, thinning hair and accelerated hair loss is common in women during menopause. Hair on certain areas of the head that is more sensitive to androgen hormones like DHT(associated with male pattern baldness) may thin or fall out. Similarly, declining estrogen levels may result in unwanted facial hair growth.

    In some cases, polycystic ovarian syndrome(PCOS), may accompany menopause and hair loss.

    Be sure to speak with your doctor on the most effective ways to cope with menopause and minimize hair loss during this transitional time.

  • Azelaic Acid

    Azelic Acid

    Azelic AcidAn Active Ingredient in Several Topical Hair Loss Treatments

    Azelaic acid is a naturally occurring substance found in whole grains that contains a mild antibiotic designed to “clean” skin.  It is also said to be a potential inhibitor of 5-alpha-reductase in human skin.  A reduction of this enzyme may reduce the amount DHT (dihydrotestosterone) in the body and therefore, have a similar effect to finasteride; the active ingredient in FDA approved oral hair loss solution Propecia (finasteride). In theory, applying azelaic acid to the scalp may prevent or eliminate the binding of DHT to the hair follicle receptor, preventing hair loss and potentially stimulating hair regrowth.  Azelaic acid can be found in many prescription acne medication and topical hair loss products like Xandrox and Provillus

    Combining azelaic acid with FDA approved hair regrowth solution minoxidil in a single topical product in theory, may prove to be a more powerful hair loss treatment for androgenic alopecia than minoxidil alone.  This is why some conjecture that Xandrox may be a more effective treatment than Rogaine (minoxidil)

    Azelaic acid has not been clinically proven effective as a standalone treatment for treating genetic female hair loss and male pattern baldness. It has also been known to irritate the scalp when applied topically.  Though there is a low percentage, azelaic acid may interact with other medications.  Be sure to consult your physician before using azelaic acid while on other medications.

  • Progesterone

    This hair loss product, meant for women, is a synthetic form of Progesterone, a hormone and steroid that occurs naturally in the ovaries. The body uses the Progesterone treatment to control a variety of functions. These include the regulating of the menstrual cycles, anticancer properties, the slowing and prevention of bone loss and ensuring the female sexual organs’ health. Another important function of Progesterone is to maintain the hormone balance of estrogen.

    But in regards to hair loss, Progesterone treatment is an effective DHT-inhibitor. However, there has not been much research conducted as to Progesterone’s impact to male and female pattern baldness (MPB, FPB). What research was conducted showed that it may be effective at stopping hair loss, but not at hair regrowth.

    Nevertheless, topical Progesterone has been used by some European dermatologists in Europe to treat MPB and FPB. For this, they only used 1% or 2% topical concentrations, and no more than 40mg a day. Researchers believe that higher doses could cause menstrual irregularities.

    Topical Progesterone is available as capsules, vaginal creams and suppositories. Patients use the medication by rubbing it into the body’s soft areas, such as the breast, abdomen, inner thighs and the palms of the hands (which is thought to be the most effective area).

    It’s advised that women use about 1/8-1/2 teaspoon, once to twice daily, for 21days. Physicians also advise women to stop using the medication for 5-7 days each month. They also advise women to change the application areas periodically.

  • Hair Transplant Cost

    Hair Transplant Cost

    Today hair transplant costs are vastly better value, than they did just a few years ago. Increased competition combined with the increased ability of a specialized clinic to produce large sessions of follicular units at reduced hair transplant costs and has resulted in patients getting vastly better results and increased density at lower prices.

    Just a few years ago it was not unusual for a clinic to charge as much as $15 US per graft, while providing patients with only small sessions of a few hundred grafts that achieved limited density and fullness.

    Today hair restoration clinics typically provide free no obligation consultations, with surgical sessions priced either per graft or by the session. Hair transplant costs typically cost between $3.00 to $8.00 per graft, with $5 to $6 per graft being about average.

    It is normal for the price per graft to drop as the size of the surgical session increases. Many clinics will offer a reduced rate per graft once a certain surgical session size (i.e. 1,000 or 2,000 grafts) is exceeded.

    Comparing the costs of various hair loss treatments

    Price options

    Although hair transplant surgery is not inexpensive, it can be the best hair restoration value given that the results are natural and last a life time. The cost of non surgical solutions like a hair system or hair loss medications can exceed the cost of hair restoration surgery when the long term costs are compared.

    For example – A quality custom hair replacement system on average costs $1,200 and needs to be replaced about once a year. In addition, a hair replacement system requires regular upkeep and reattachment each every 5 to 6 weeks at about $75 per visit or $675 per year.

    Hair Piece, or Surgery


    Thus the cost of buying and maintaining quality hair replacement systems over 15 years is approximately $28,125.00 ($1,200 plus $675 in annual upkeep = $1,875 x 15 years = $28,125.00). This total cost well exceeds the typical cost of surgical hair restoration.

    Note - Of course the cheapest option is shaving your head with an actual net saving due to no expense for shampoos, conditioners, combs, brushes, or hair stylist.

    Consult a physician for an estimate

    Our member physicians price their procedures independently. So your final cost will depend on who you select and how much hair restoration you will need to be satisfied.

    To do a free consult with one of our quality member physicians to get an estimated cost of restoring your hair visit our member physicians’ area.

  • Robert J. Dorin, DO, ABHRS

    Dr. Robert Dorin
    Dr. Robert Dorin
    Robert J. Dorin, DO has been a specialist in hair restoration since 2002 and a member of our network since 2006. He offers advanced FUE and FUT procedures as well as PRP therapy. Prospective patients seek out Dr. Dorin for his personalized care and ultra-refined results.