Dr. Bernardino Arocha | Hair transplant before and afters

Hair transplantation surgery before and after photos

Male - 1 sessions

Bald class: 3

Hair transplantation procedure before and after result images with 3000 grafts

Hair restoration procedure before and after results

Male - 1 sessions

Bald class: 2

Hair restoration repair procedure before and after result photographs with 2043 grafts

Hair restoration procedure before and after results

Male - 1 sessions

Bald class: 2

Hair transplant surgery before and after result pictures with 2500 grafts

Hair restoration procedure before and after results

Male - 1 sessions

Bald class: 2

Hair loss replacement surgery before and after result pictures with 3024 grafts

Hair restoration procedure before and after results

Male - 2 sessions

Bald class: 6

Hair restoration surgery procedure before and after result images with 5000 grafts

Hair restoration procedure before and after results

Male - 1 sessions

Bald class: 5

Hair restoration surgery before and after result images with 4000 grafts

Hair restoration procedure before and after results

Male - 1 sessions

Bald class: 3

Hair transplant surgery before and after result pictures with 2100 FUE grafts

Hair restoration procedure before and after results

Male - 1 sessions

Bald class: 3

Hair transplantation surgical procedure before and after photo results with 3092 grafts

Hair restoration procedure before and after results

Male - 1 sessions

Bald class: 2

Hair restoration surgical procedure before and after result images with 3005 grafts

Front view - Before and after

Male - 1 sessions

Bald class: 2

Hair transplantation surgery before and after result photographs with 1200 grafts

Front view - Before and after

Male - 1 sessions

Bald class:

Hair restoration surgery before and after result images with 3163 grafts

Hair transplantation surgery before and after photos

Male - 2 sessions

Bald class: 6

Hair restoration surgery before and after result photographs with 2181 and 1553 grafts

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