Procedure detail
Follicular Unit Transplantation performed on a 33 year old Caucasian male with:- NW Class V-Va- Donor density of 92 FU/cm??- Hair diameter of ~75 micronsTreatment plan:- 1st FUE procedure with 3000 FU to reconstruct the hair line and mid head area- 2nd FUE procedure with 3000 FU to restore the crown area and increase the overall densityPerformed procedure (May 3rd, 2009):A Follicular Unit Extraction with 3029 FU in a single day session, '3 step procedure', i.e. an intermittent follicular unit extraction (iFUE), with:* 831 single hair FU* 1562 double hair FU* 636 triple hair FU Extraction performed with a 0.9mm FUE punch with Versi handle?„?. No microscopic preparation of the follicular unit grafts;Parallel incisions (single and double units) were made in custom-sized blades technique (~Cutting Edge blades of 0.7mm ??“ 0.9mm);Dense packing technique with a density of 50 FU/cm?? in hair line and feather zone (single units), a density of 40 FU/cm?? in density zone (double units) .This patient is definitely an exceptional case as he has an extremely high donor density/yield. In general this procedure would also be performed in a 2 successive days session.His second FUE procedure is planned in the month of April 2010.Dr. B. Feriduni
Bald class

Norwood stage 6
The balding areas at the temples join with the balding area at the vertex. The band of hair across the top of the head is gone or sparse.