Procedure detail
Follicular Unit Strip Transplantation performed on a 51 year old Asian male with:- NW Class III- Donor density of 70 FU/cm2- Hair diameter of ~ 84 micronsTreatment plan:A follicular unit strip transplantation with 2500-2800 follicular units to restore the hair line, central core and bridge. Performed procedure (January 22, 2010):A Follicular Unit Strip Transplantation with 3050 FU:* 736 single hair FU* 1812 double hair FU* 502 triple hair FUDonor closing in 1mm lower edge Trichophytic Closure Technique (double layer suture);Cutting Edge blades of 0.8mm – 1mm);Dense packing technique with a density of 50-60 FU/cm2 in the hair line and feather zone (single units), a density of 40 FU/cm2 in the central core (double units) and a density of 35 FU/cm2 in the bridge (triple units).
Bald class

Norwood class 3
The earliest stage of male hair loss. It is characterized by a deepening temporal recession.