Procedure detail
FUT performed on a 40 year old Caucasian male with:- NW Class V-VI- Donor density of 110 FU/cm2- Hair diameter of > 85 micronsTreatment plan:Follicular Unit Transplantation with 4000-5000 follicular units to restore the hair line, temporal peaks and mid head and crown area.Performed procedure (February 23, 2009):A Follicular Unit Strip Transplantation with 4460 FU* 1680 single hair FU* 2040 double hair FU* 740 triple hair FUDonor closing in 1mm lower edge Trichophytic Closure Technique (double layer suture); A combination of parallel (single units) and perpendicular incisions (double and triple units) in custom-sized blades technique (~Cutting Edge blades of 0.7mm – 1.1mm).This patient decided to step over to a hair restoration surgery after wearing a full hair piece for many years.The patient‘s aim was a high density Follicular unit Transplantation (HD FUT) to obtain a “similar” density to his hair piece. Unfortunately full coverage was not possible even with a high flexibility of the donor area and over average density of 110 FU/cm2. So he decided to wear a smaller hair piece after 1st procedure to cover up the non-treated areas. After he saw the result of the first procedure he decided to go for a second procedure to cover the crown area as well. Treatment plan :2nd procedure with 3500-4000 FU to add more density to the hair line and restore the crown areaPerformed procedure (July 12, 2010):A Follicular Unit Strip Transplantation with 3969 FU* 990 single hair FU* 1728 double hair FU* 841 triple hair FU* 610 four hair FUDonor closing in 1mm lower edge Trichophytic Closure Technique (double layer suture);A combination of parallel (single units) and perpendicular incisions (double, triple and four hair units) in custom-sized blades technique (~Cutting Edge blades of 0.7mm – 1.1mm).Dr. B. Feriduni
Bald class

Norwood stage 6
The balding areas at the temples join with the balding area at the vertex. The band of hair across the top of the head is gone or sparse.