FUE 3000-3500grafts with Dr. Bisanga
04/12/2021 - 06:55Follow Dr. Bisanga patient "GuyFromTheUK" as he shares his hair transplant experience.
Follow Dr. Bisanga patient "GuyFromTheUK" as he shares his hair transplant experience.
Dr. Bisanga patient "Levrais" presents his results 2 years after hair transplant surgery with Dr. Bisanga.
This week's Hair Transplant Patient of the Week is Levrais, who received 5,700 grafts via Follicular Unit…
Forum member "Stublue" shares a detailed account of his recent experience with Dr. Christian Bisanga…
This is one of the best hair transplant transformations of 2019, a MUST SEE!
Forum member "GRIGRIMAN" present images of his recent hair transplant with Dr. Bisanga.
Forum member "swayzedo" presents photos of his excellent hair transplant with Dr. Bisanga.