Procedure detail
27 year old white male was presented to Dr. Pathomvanich @dhtclinic_dht with receding hair line and diffused thinning hair from front toward the crown. His hair is black, coarse, straight with good laxity. The total area of thinning hair is 161 cm2.
He underwent FUT 4,014 grafts (1-hair = 574 grafts, 2-hairs = 2526 grafts, 3-hairs = 914 grafts) roughly 8,368 hairs were transplanted without complication. The pre-op and 3 years 3 months post op pictures were shown. He is happy with the result, but his hair loss is still progressing. He was prescribed finasteride and low dose oral minoxidil and he will let me know in 6 months.
Hair Restoration Forum
Bald class

Norwood stage 4A
In stage 4A, a person will not experience a bald spot on the back of their head, but they will instead lose the dips in their hairline and have a deeper “U” shape when viewed from above.