Procedure detail
This 56 year old hair restoration patient visited the DHT Clinic in Bangkok with the complaint of extensive male pattern hair loss. He was classified a Norwood Class VII in 2007. He has blond hair, white skin, grade A hairs with good density and laxity at the back of scalp.The recipient site area was calculated 160cm2 at the frontal and the midscalp area and 80 cm2 at the vertex region, a total of 240 cm2.The first hair transplant session was done with 3896 Follicular Units; bearing 6520 hairs. The second and third sessions were performed with 3437 Follicular Units, bearing 6728 hairs and 2077 Follicular Units; bearing 3954 hairs after 7 months and at 1 year gap respectively. A total of 9410 Follicular Units; bearing 17202 hairs was being transplanted to the patient. The after photos show the results at 8 months post operative from the third session.
Bald class

Norwood stage 6
The balding areas at the temples join with the balding area at the vertex. The band of hair across the top of the head is gone or sparse.