Dr. Glenn Charles | Forum Posts

When Can I Start Using Concealers after a Hair Transplant?

07/27/2021 - 08:34

I tell my patients that it is safe to resume using concealers after all of the scabs have fallen off. At that point…

Do Transplanted Hairs Fall Out One Month after Hair Transplant Surgery?

07/27/2021 - 08:34

I have had patients that called me 3 weeks after hair restoration surgery and told me all the scabs had fallen off and…

Why Does Hair Growth Appear Wiry after Hair Transplant Surgery?

07/27/2021 - 08:34

When transplanted hairs go through the first growth cycle after hair restoration surgery, they often are more brittle…

Treating Follicular Unit Hair Transplant Scar with Enalapril?

07/27/2021 - 08:35

I have not heard of that drug being used for the purpose of reducing scar formation. However, Dr. Pathomvanich may have…

Can I Wear My Hair Short Immediately after Hair Transplant Sugery?

07/27/2021 - 08:35

It really depends on the patient’s current hair situation heading into the procedure, what they feel comfortable with…

Potential Dangers of Sunlight Exposure After Hair Transplantation

07/27/2021 - 08:34

Technically, you can get a sunburn through the window. Too much sun exposure after a hair transplant is not recommended…

How Can I Meet Real Hair Transplant Patients in Person?

07/27/2021 - 08:34

In addition to connecting with patients via the Hair Restoration Network, you can also ask a hair restoration physician…

Can Over-Styling Lead to Hair Loss?

07/27/2021 - 08:34

I do not think changing hairstyles and hair directions actually causes hair loss. If extreme pulling of the hair is…

Facial Swelling after Hair Transplant Surgery

07/27/2021 - 08:34

Icing generally only has an effect in the first 24 hrs. If swelling occurs after hair restoration surgery it is usually…

Is Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) an Effective Hair Loss Treatment?

07/27/2021 - 08:35

The FDA clearance only says it causes no harm. It does not mean that it is effective for treating hair loss.

Camouflaging a Hair Transplant “Strip” Scar?

07/27/2021 - 08:35

At 3 months post-op there should not be any harm caused by using cover-up products (concealers) on the donor area.…

Is 10 Months Too Early for a Second Hair Transplant?

07/27/2021 - 08:34

At 10 months you are probably looking at 80-90% of your hair growth. It really depends on when the hair started growing…