H Rahal, MD

H Rahal, MD

Hair transplant surgeon

Hair transplant procedure before and after result photos with 3744 grafts

Procedure detail

Here we have a very nice FUT case to share. The patient was aged 29 and he came to Dr Rahal to treat frontal recession, His goal was to restore his hairline and frontal zones, re-framing his face and gaining back styling options.

 He re-connected with us 6 years later. He has lost hair at his crown (which will be treated in the near future) but his front is looking great. We appreciate that he was happy to show his face as well as his incredible hairline.
 Surgery type: FUT

 Recipient Area treated - 75 cm
Grafts Transplanted - 3744 grafts
Recipient Graft Density - 49.9 grafts/cm
Recipient Hair Density - 99.17 hairs/cm
Graft breakdown:
Single Hair - 751 grafts
Two Hair - 2292 grafts
Three Hair - 701 grafts
Four Hair - 0 grafts

TOTAL GRAFTS - 3744 grafts

TOTAL HAIRS - 7438 hairs
HAIRS PER GRAFT - 1.99 hairs/graft

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Bald class

Bald class 3A

Norwood class 3A

The Norwood Class A patterns are characterized by a predominantly front to back progression of hair loss. These patterns lack the connecting bridge across the top of the scalp and generally have more limited hair loss in the crown, even when advanced.

Front view - Before and after

3744 grafts shown from the front, viewing before and after pictures.

Hair transplantation surgery before and after images

using 3744 grafts viewed from the top, displaying before and after photos.

 before and after photos

with 3744 grafts displayed from the left, viewing preoperative and postoperative photographs.

 before and after photos

Hair transplant procedure with 3744 grafts displayed from the right, viewing before and after images.