Dr. Jean Devroye

Dr. Jean Devroye

Hair transplant surgeon

Hair transplant procedure before and after result photos with 4225 grafts

Procedure detail

 ✓ 31 years old, NW V-VI, losing hair since the age of 16, with a hair loss history in his family (paternal side).

 ✓ Had a previous FUT procedure done in another clinic. Unknown number of grafts. Results not noticeable at all except for some pluggy grafts visible in the vertex area.

 ✓ No medications before nor after the procedure.

 ✓ Medium hair.

 ✓ Normal follicular units.

 ✓ High % of hair in telogen phase.


 The patient presented an extended hair loss (NW V-VI) and wished to get as much coverage as possible in a single session.

 Since he wished to wear his donor hair short after the surgery, we decide to perform an FUE procedure consisting of 4225 grafts.

 This amount of grafts has allowed us to rebuild the patient's hairline and to cover his frontal, midscalp and vertex areas with a very satisfying density. We took this opportunity to repair the scar resulting from his previous FUT as well.

 The patient came for a check-up at the clinic at the 7th post-op mark, when his results were already remarkableas you can see in the pictures below.

 One year after the surgery, he sent in another set of pictures and he's thrilled by the results he has achieved so far. It is important to underline that the patient hasn't taken any medications before nor after the procedure.

✓ 4225 grafts

 ✓ Technique: FUE

 ✓ FUE scoring and extractions executed with my WAW system, now widely used in the sphere of FUE. It consists of a very precise pedal that enables to control the movement of the punch, that I also designed myself. The main advantage is to reduce substantially the number of damaged and transected hair, thus to raise the quality of the procedure. The system is now used worldwide and several dozens of surgeons or centres are already using it.

 ✓ Incisions: 35-40/cm2

 ✓ Grafts Breakdown:

☞ 441 Single FUE grafts

☞ 2221 Double FUE grafts

☞ 1487 Triple FUE grafts

☞ 76 Quadruple FUE grafts

 ✓ Total number of Hair: 9648

 ✓ Average Hair/Graft: 2.28


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Bald class

Bald class 5

Norwood stage 5

Occurs when the connecting bridge of hair disappears leaving a single large bald area on the front and top of the scalp. The hair on the sides of the scalp remains relatively high.

Front view - Before and after eyebrow transplant surgery

Hair transplant surgery procedure with 4225 grafts displayed from the front, showing before, immediate postoperative, and one year after images.

Hair transplantation surgery before and after images

using 4225 grafts viewed from the top, displaying before, immediate postoperative, and one year after photos.

 after photos

using 4225 grafts viewed from the left, displaying before, immediate postoperative and one year after photos.

Hair restoration procedure after result images

using 4225 grafts viewed from the right, displaying before, immediate postoperative, and one year after photos.