Dr. Jean Devroye

Dr. Jean Devroye

Hair transplant surgeon

Hair transplant surgery results photos from 3033 graft procedure to the crown

Procedure detail

This patient is 57 years old and has a maximal hair loss on the crown area. The aim was to obtain a maximal density in one hair transplant surgery.The area measured was of +- 75 cm2. The number of grafts reached (3033) has allowed the placement of more or less 40 FUT per cm2.The grafts were almost disposed as the original orientation.The detail of the grafts is the following: 3033 grafts for 7823 hair, 193 FU1, 1361 FU2, 1027 FU3, 433 FU4 and 19 FU5.The result is excellent that shows the fact that it is not necessary to achieve an original density to obtain a "normal" result.  But we could plan another little hair transplant with the FUE technique at the central of the swirl to reinforce the density.

Bald class

Bald class 5V

Norwood stage 5V

The two areas of hair loss are larger than in stage 4. They are still separated, but the band of hair between them is narrower and sparser. There is significant hair loss on the top of the scalp (the vertex).

 before and after photos

3033 grafts placed in the crown, showing before and after images, viewed from the back.

Hair restoration before and after photos

Hair restoration procedure using 3033 grafts placed in the crown, showing preoperative and one day after images, shown from the top / crown.

Hair replacement procedure before and after pictures

Hair restoration photos showing before and after closeup views of the crown, and a closeup view of the scar / donor area after one and a half years after surgery.