Jerry E. Cooley, MD

Jerry E. Cooley, MD

Hair transplant surgeon

Hair transplantation surgery before and after pictures with 1353 grafts

Procedure detail

This hair restoration patient had a large, aggressive skin cancer
removed from his right temple many years ago. This was repaired at the time with
a split thickness skin graft from his arm. He had been to another clinic and
received a hair transplant with poor results. We performed FUT of 1,353 grafts
(1-366, 2-653, 3-334; total hairs = 2,674). He is shown 8 months later. The hair
is till growing in and the appearance will continue to improve for the next 6

There is not only good growth of the grafts but a noticeable
improvement in the texture and appearance of the underlying skin. Part of this
just from the grafts, but I also believe it is from the use of ACell to coat the
grafts. ACell has the ability to help prevent scarring and also improve existing
scar tissue.