Dr. Jerry Cooley and the team at Carolina Dermatology in Charlotte, North Carolina have had a stellar, if not somewhat low key, reputation for many years. The popularity of Dr. Cooley has been primarily through word of mouth online and in person and by using among the highest quality photos found anywhere online. Clarity of detail, consistency with lighting and backgrounds have been a staple of all of Dr. Cooley's presentations. However, you have never seen us present a single before/after video because we really haven't needed to use them and with how busy we have always been we really haven't have the time.
Now it's time to change. We've never used video to document our results but now we will and we will do so in a manner that no one has before. I'd like to introduce the world's first 4K Ultra HD hair transplant result video.
This video is best viewed on a 4K television or a 4K monitor. If you do not have either it is still visible at lower resolutions so set the resolution preference in the bottom right corner of the video frame.
About the patient; he first came to see us in 2006 to lower his hairline and to achieve moderate temple angle closure. He was 35 at the time. He had already been on Avodart for three years by the time he had his first surgery. Since then he had two much smaller procedures to add density and refinement. The result was recorded two weeks ago and this represents in great detail how he looks today.

Norwood stage 2
There is a slight recession of the hairline around the temples. This is also known as an adult or mature hairline.
Patient gender
Patient sessions
Patient surgery type
Patient grafts