Procedure detail
This is a patient who wanted to restore his crown to a natural appearance. Our goal was to generate moderate density in one transplant that was completely natural for his age and be essentially undetectable as a hair transplant.As many of you already know, the crown is one area where it is difficult to generate full thickness with one pass in individuals with no preexisting hair as all of the hair swirls away from the centre. There is thus little "shingling effect". Patients with coarse or wavy hair generally appear thicker. Combing long hair carefully so it shingles over can also generate a thicker appearance (which is often seen in some laser restoration after photos).This patient was actually quite amazed when he saw the pre-operative pictures as he had totally forgotten that he was virtually bald prior to the transplant.I don't have his graft counts in front of me, but he received over 2800 grafts to the crown. In one of the preop photos, you can see where I had mapped out his hair direction.Thomas Nakatsui MD FRCPC
Bald class

Norwood stage 2
There is a slight recession of the hairline around the temples. This is also known as an adult or mature hairline.