Truly a "Full Head of Hair in 30 Seconds?"
Of all the hair loss concealers available, like topical powder applications or "sprinkle solutions," Toppik is amongst the most popular. What's more, of all the "shaker" options currently available to hair loss suffering men and women, Toppik is one of the most recognized and trusted.
Since its inception, Toppik has been featured in various media outlets, including Time magazine, the Oprah Winfrey show, Fox News, NBC, and Eyewitness news. Throughout this media exposure and positive word of mouth, this hair loss product has been utilized by an estimated 3 million balding men and women worldwide. So what makes Toppik so popular? How does it work? How does it compare to other types of concealers? Most importantly, what are real consumers saying about Toppik and where can interested parties purchase this popular concealer?
Toppik Hair Loss Concealer: What is it, and how does it work?
Toppik, like many other concealers available today, is a topical powder application. The powder formula is comprised of a series of charged, keratin-based, "hair binding fibers" that, when sprinkled on thinning hair, tightly adhere to individual hair strands. With each "shake" of the Toppik product, thousands of these particles are applied to the head and bind to hair shafts via opposing electrical activity (much like the way magnetized material attracts metal).
By tightly binding to hair shafts in such significant numbers, Toppik naturally recreates the appearance of a thick, dense head of hair. According to the makers of Toppik, the bond created by the hair shaft and keratin particle is so strong that it will withstand wind, rain and perspiration, and will continue to naturally thicken and volumize the hair until "washed out" by shampoo. Additionally, because Toppik is available in a variety of different tones, the product is able to precisely match any hair color/texture and still remain completely undetectable.
What Benefits Does Toppik Offer Over Other Concealers?
Although Toppik is popular and well known within the hair restoration community, hair loss sufferers should still ask one crucial question: what benefits does Toppik offer over other, similar concealers? According to the manufactures, Toppik offers a variety of benefits that other, comparable products simply cannot match. First, Toppik's keratin fibers are completely safe, organic, all natural, and utilize electric energy to adhere to hair fibers with unmatched efficacy.
Next, not only is Toppik available in a variety of colors, but these tones can also be "mixed" to match any color and can even cover gray hair and new growth from hair transplant surgery. Toppik colors include black, dark brown, medium brown, light brown, medium blonde, blonde, auburn, gray and white.

Furthermore, Toppik can be used in conjunction with other hair styling products (though the powder needs to be applied to dry scalp, and styling products should be applied before usage), will not "rub off" on clothing or pillows, can be safely utilized with other hair restoration products and medications, will not clog pores or dry out the scalp, is equally effective in balding men and women, and is easily applied via the shaking method or by applying the popular "spray applicator" to the shaker apparatus.
Why is Toppik so Popular in the Hair Loss Community?
Because of its innovative design, positive "track record," ease of use, and effective nature, Toppik has developed a trusted reputation and large fan base in the hair restoration community. Hair loss sufferers not only trust the history behind the Toppik brand, but appreciate the product's single use longevity and lasting strength of the fiber-hair shaft bond. The fact that the product is effective for male and female hair loss sufferers and can be easily used with other styling and hair restoration products makes Toppik an even better option for any individual considering a topical concealer.
What Real Consumers are Saying About Toppik?
To see what real hair loss suffering men and women are saying and to read helpful tips about applying Toppik in a variety of situations and in conjunction with other hair loss treatments, visit our Hair Loss Forum and Social Community. You can also read our product review by visiting "Product Review: Nanogen Versus Toppik".